Friday, December 5, 2008


The Liberals and the NDP are going to make a separtist backed coalition in an attempt to have Dion as Prime Minister so that they can preform bailouts. Thankfully, the PM Perogued Parliament. Now we have a month and a half to live.


I have no problem with the Liberals and the Socialists merging. This just makes them a big left-wing party. The thing is, they managed to bribe the Bloc into backing them up by offering Quebec 1 billion dollars in transfer payments.

First off, to become PM, you need to be the laeader of the party with the most seats. That's how it works. So if the lefts mix, they wont have enough seats to make Dion PM. They want to tell the Governor General (GG) that they have enough support to take government: but they don't. They are only being backed by the bloc. They arent even part of the Coalition. But hey, what do math/political rules matter?

As well, notice that they waited until AFTER the election. They planned this. They new that Canadians wouldn't vote for a Crazy Left Coalition. Rule one of the Liberal Party: Take advantage of democracy by not using it. If you have to suck, don't suck till after the people take away your mandate to do so.

I don't want a Bloc Party backing up the government. Our next budget WILL involve Quebec Milking the rest of the nation. The whole separation issue might be relived. We need to unite the nation in tough times, not divide it or show preferences.

Lastly, I HATE bailouts. The whole purpose of this coalition is to make a bailout. I'm going to write this next sentence in Caps Lock so that everyone reads it. WE JUST RAN A DEFICIT AND WE HAVE A DEBT TO DEAL WITH. WE DON'T HAVE ANY MONEY TO BAIL OUT THE FAILING INDUSTRIES. I DON'T WANT MY GREAT NATION ENDING UP WITH PRINTING/BORROWING PROBLEMS LIKE THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Let's not give oursleves an unpayable debt. Please. Don't vote for any of the parties in Ottawa. The Christian Heritage Party will give you representation.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Big Bad Bailout

In Ottawa right now, there is a lot of talk about Flaherty’s whole report on the economic situation and other matters that the government should not be involved in. We are now running a deficit because the so-called “conservative” party has spent more than they take in. Despite running out of money, the government now thinks it’s appropriate to start taking part in Big Business Bailouts. Jim Flaherty said that Canada has already released “stimulus” packages to businesses that might take a hit during the “recession”. I believe these payments already total 2% of the GDP. That’s 2% of all of the money in the nation. If you make $40,000 a year, the government is using $800 of your blood and sweat to make sure that the Big Corporation Owners and CEOs are getting more money. But the government wouldn’t do something stupid like that would they?

They claim that the purpose of this is to help employers pay employees so that no one has to get laid off because of the economic turbulence. I am in big support of helping people keeping their jobs, but the government is once again contradicting itself. Let me explain.

Basic Economic: If you want something to stop, tax it. If you want something to go, subsidize it. Just like a car: if you want it to move, you put on the gas. If you want it to stop, you put on the brakes. Makes sense, right?

The thing is, the government is flooring the gas peddle with the brakes on. That’s right. They are wasting fuel and making the Green Party angry. But that’s beside the point. The government taxes corporations at 29.5-35.5%. The government thought that this would be a good way to make money in good economic times (and look where we are now). The government then realizes we are in an economic recession. This is where they start giving the corporations bailout money, wasting a large percent of it along the way (believe it or not, the whole tax and spend system cost us 11 cents of every tax dollar before the programs come into play). It isn’t accomplishing anything. On top of all of this, we have a debt to deal with. In simple terms:

-Economy good, government greed, government steals and spends all of the money
-government theft causes recession, government has no money left over to give to companies, government gives them money anyway
-government drowns itself in debt, government prints more money, government devalues currency, inflation hurts economy more

The NDP, Liberals, and even some Conservatives will try to convince you that we need to raise taxes. A recession is not the time to go socialist. Now that I think of it, there is never a time to go socialist! Our fathers of confederation we against it, our constitution is against it, and as we will soon see, the free market is against it.

The best bailout plan would be eliminating the corporation tax. Let Big Businesses spend their money as they see fit, instead of taxing one third of what they make and then giving them money we don’t have. Keep the government out of it. Just because the NDP feels that corporations are evil doesn’t mean we should tax them. Ignore what the NDP says. Let common sense prevail!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Tax Reform

We need it. There are so many taxes in Canada. Canadian government takes in more than one third of the nation's money, up to 40% in some years. They do this in the form of many different taxes. These include taxes on income, luxury items, essential items, tobacco, alcohol, inheritance, property, building permits and even death. We need to simplify this.

From 1867 to 1917, the federal government of Canada collected taxes through excise taxes and tariffs only. In 1917, a federal income tax was introduced ( The income tax was supposed to be eliminated after the war when the debt was paid off. This has got to be the biggest broken promise a politician has every supplied us with. More than ninety years later, we still have it. Not only do we still have, it has grown. Back then, the tax brackets were:

<$6,000 = 0%
<$10,000 = 2%
<$20,000 = 5%
<$30,000 = 8%
<$50,000 = 10%
<$100,000 = 15%
>$100,000 = 25%
Corporations= 4%
Single men = 4%

Compared to:

<$37,885 = 15%
<$75,769 = 22%
<$123,184 = 26%
>$123,184 = 29%
Corporate = 29.5-35.5%

That's a big increase! Now let's say you live in my province, Prince Edward Island. Add on to the above:

<$31,984 = 9.8%
<$63,969 = 13.8%
>$63,969 = 16.7%

Then we also have a federal sales tax of 5% and a Provincial sales tax of 10%. I'm going to leave out all of the other taxes for now, for time's sake. So the govt takes at least one quarter of what you make and up to more than one half. Here's what I propose:

-Eliminate all federal taxation, including the federal income tax and replace them with a "FairTax", a national sales tax at a rate of around 40%. This would make Canada a HAVEN for business. This means more jobs. So many new jobs, that Americans would be moving north to get employment.

-Eliminate Provincial Sales Taxes. I got this idea from (drum role please) the constitution! That's right, the BNA Act says "In each Province the Legislature may exclusively make Laws in relation to Matters coming within the Classes of Subject next hereinafter enumerated; that is to say... Direct Taxation within the Province in order to the raising of a Revenue for Provincial Purposes" (Section 92.2). Direct taxes are those on income. Sales taxes are classified as collective tax, or indirect taxes. John A. MacDonald would not be impressed.

-Institute provincial flat income taxes. Make all citizens pay the bottom rate (9.8% in Prince Edward Island). Not only is this more fair and equal, it will boost the economy by allowing businesses to higher more people. Businesses will be able to increase their profits which, in turn, will increase government revenues. Everybody's happy!

Keep in mind that this is just a tax reform plan. I would hope that these proposed rates would be lowered as government shrinks. I doubt we will ever return to pre-1917 tax rates, but I do still think there is hope for Canadian tax-payers.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Canada should return to pre-world war one values

In 1914 Canada had no income tax, no overall sales tax, and family values were the norm within all parties. If someone truly needed assistance friends, family and church charities would help the person out so that they could get back onto their feet. Everyone owned guns yet there was no worry about crime. People were patriotic to Canada, no matter what country their ancestors were from. Why was it that we did so well back then and not now?

Respect for The Constitution:

Even though Canada does not have any constitutional restrictions placed on laws that have made society the failure it is today, it does have guidelines that we have strayed away from. First off, the BNA act says that provinces should do direct taxation (income tax) to raise revenues. This implies that sales taxes should not be applied provincially (even though there are no restrictions on that matter). We have obviously ignored this constitutional suggestion, seeing how Canada now has an extensive federal income tax scheme and many sales taxes provincially. I believe that if we used the BNA as an economic blueprint, Canada would (still) be a powerhouse of businesses of all sizes. On social issues, we have ignored the preamble to our many constitutional documents, stating that : Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law. Currently in Canada, people can marry people of the same gender, babies can be killed at ANY time in the pregnancy, and restrictions are placed on religious conversations in school. When a nation abandons God, it ultimately fails.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Need for a New Party on PEI

In Prince Edward Island, there are four registered parties:
Liberal Party
Progressive Conservative Party
New Democrats
Green Party

The only problem is they all represent the same thing: socialism. The only reason people are put in and out of government is because they feel that the incumbent has had enough time in office. This means that if you are pro-life, you have no representation. If you are a capitalist, you have no representation. If you believe in private medicine to any extent, if you are pro-straight marriage, if you are pro-gun, or if you are a tax reformer you have no representation. All of the parties are freakishly similar.

That is why I am pushing for the creation of a new party on Prince Edward Island. If you feel that no party on PEI represents your beliefs because you are a capitalist tax reformer or because you are a social conservative who believes in Judeo-Christian values, I want you to comment on this post. I want to unite everyone who shares these beliefs on PEI. I want to start a new "Constitution Party" on PEI before the next provincial election. C'mon people, democracy is only democracy if everyone is represented!

So what would this party stand for?

From the feedback I have gotten from people with similar views as myself, this is what they would like to see delivered from the Constitution Party of PEI (keep in mind that none of the other parties will do any of these things!):

-We will use the BNA and the Constitution Act of 1982 as a blue print for PEI
-We will engage in major tax reform, supporting something like the FairTax federally, and the abolition of indirect taxation provincially (BNA Act s. 92-2)
-We will support pro-life laws
-We will redefine marriage as one man and one woman
-We will push for laxer gun laws
-We will instate two-tier health care
-We will protect the environment and NOT waste our efforts on the so called global warming "crisis"

So if you are fed up with the four parties of PEI not representing your common sense values, comment on this post.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Problem with Parties in Canada

On October 14, Canadians went to the polls, mostly out of free will, to decide which candidate they thought would do the least-worst job of running the nation. The problem is, many Canadians do not have any real representation in parliament, despite voting in large numbers. There are many great examples of this:

The Christian Heritage Party is the only social conservative party in Canada. They are the only pro-life (the only ones who will even regulate abortion at all) and the only pro-straight marriage party. 40% of Canadians are pro-life, 70% would like to see some regulation. The problem is, no sitting party in the House of Commons is willing to take a conservative stance on these issues. Now, there are some socons sitting with the Liberal and Conservative parties, but often their leaders will tell them to put their conscience away and vote how they are told. That's not democracy. That's the same one-party policies used in countries like China. That is not how Canadians are supposed to conduct politics. If you are against having abortions one day before birth, the CHP is literally the only party that can represent you.

Now, I'm not just going to rant about the CHP. I thought I'd give the Libertarian Party a chance as well. Currently, Canada's government takes in more than one third of all of the nation's money through taxes. The Libertarian Party is the only party in Canada willing to abolish the free health care system. They are the only party who will privatize things such as education. They are the only party that believes taxation is theft. I would not go as far as to say that, but, if you are voting for the Conservative party because you want smaller government, you might as well be voting Liberal.

Another Party that I would like to see with some seats is the Canadian Action Party. They are the only anti-globalist party. They are anti-interventionist, anti free-trade, anti-America, anti- UN (for the most part) and anti-globalist: basically anti-anything outside of the border. Some could argue that these guys could join the isolationist faction of the NDP, but these guys are way more extreme. We should give them a few seats in the HoC, possible build a border fence around them.

I didn't really want to start cheering for the communists, but I guess I gotta give all third parties a chance, so I'll make this short. We have two communist parties in Canada (three if you include the NDP, but let's not) the Marxist Leninists, and the Communist Party. Personally, I don't see why they don’t just merge. But I digress. If you are a communist in Canada, the NDP is the only party really representing you, and even they like private ownership.

So what's the problem with Democracy? None of the parties in power should be, and all of those that should be in power aren't. Really, what's the point of the Conservative Party? Of course I'd rather them than the Liberals, but they really aren't much different. Instead, they should be abolished and the members should join one of three parties: Christian Heritage Party if you’re a social conservative, Libertarian Party If you are a fiscal/economic conservative, or the Liberal Party if you are neither. The CHP can also absorb the People's Political Power Party. The leftist parties should completely re-sort themselves: the Liberals who are far left should go to the NDP, the Liberals who are centrist should stay in the Liberal Party while absorbing the Progressive Canadian Party. The NDP, Greens, AAEV Party, Radical Marijuana should merge, and the two communists should merge. Every other party can stay as it is.

Then, the Canadian parties would be as follows:

-Christian Heritage Party
-Libertarian Party
-Centrist (Conservatives and Liberals) Party
-Far Left Coalition
-Marxist-Communist Party
-Canadian Action Party;
-and all of the separatist/one issue/joke parties.

This way, the combined parties could use all of their gained candidates to run in EVERY electoral district. Sounds like a much better plan, no?

What say you?


Hello all.

My name is Spenny T. I am a Canadian Constitutional-Conservative. In this Blog I will write about the many issues of today's politics with a small-c conservative spin, something you don't get very much in today's media.

I urge everyone who reads this blog to comment, whether you agree or disagree.
